Deep into the rabbit hole!⁠

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I love to zoom in on all kinds of stuff in my little studio. It can be a piano exercise, checking out new gear, or working with great software, I just love details! Details can totally capture my attention, and it's fascinating to stretch your awareness and react to the most subtle change of nuance in your work. ⁠

At the same time, I have to be aware of not losing the bigger perspective. Way too often I've suddenly spent 3 hours on some minor issue that was only supposed to take 15 minutes.⁠

The thing is that there are no objective limits; you can always go deeper. The world is endlessly detailed both up and down; there's no bottom or ceiling. That's not a problem, that's just how the world is, but if you dig deep for every step you take, you won't go far.

That's why setting boundaries is crucial in our life, especially if you have my tendency to get mesmerized with details. Boundaries will keep you on track, so you don't spend a disproportionate amount of time on a relatively small part of your work.⁠

But when time allows it, I totally let go and dive deep into the smallest amount of detail I can possibly think of, going deep down the rabbit hole.😅⁠

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