Always too much or too little


Typically, there's either too little or too much to do for a freelance musician. We have been waiting for a long time, and suddenly everything has to be right now. ⁠

Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for finally working with my musician colleagues again, but it could be nice if the projects were more evenly distributed😅⁠

Right now, I try to make time to finish my new piano album. At the same time, we have concerts and exams to prepare at The Danish National School Of Performing Arts, and finally being in the orchestra pit at Aarhus Teater , rehearsing "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". ⁠

The premiere for Charlie is on May 6, so I hope some of you will check it out. I can't see much from where I'm sitting, but the music is fun (and not so easy) to play, and people say it looks great on stage😊⁠

Jacob Trautner